P-40.1, r. 3 - Regulation respecting the application of the Consumer Protection Act

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31. A subscription contract to a journal or a magazine entered into by an itinerant merchant and subject to sections 58 to 65 of the Act must also include, in at least 14-point typeface, the following details:
(a)  the term of the subscription;
(b)  the price of the subscription;
(c)  the retail price of each journal or magazine when purchased as a single copy;
(d)  the regular price of a subscription to each journal or magazine for the full term of the subscription contract;
(e)  the following clause: “The following journals or magazines (insert their names here) are in the French language. The following journals or magazines (insert their names here) are in the (indicate their language here) language.”.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. P-40.1, r. 1, s. 31.